It all starts with the decision to start writing content. Not just any content, but paragraphs of my own thoughts and decisions to share with the world.
The war between Wordpress & co.
There are lots of self-hosted blogging software. Wordpress, Ghost, and many more. There is maintenance, you have to get it out there, theming, lots of possibilities. Some even require doing SEO, installing plugins, and certificates. Not to mention the hosting. Next Option.
Hey! I'm a Developer.
Another great, but rather time-consuming way would be to code my own blog. Full control over SEO, the interface, design, and all that, but still have to get my content to you, maintenance will be even more time consuming as no one would like to maintain my messy, fast coded code base. Too much hassle. What's left?
Hosted Options
There is Medium, Devblog and other services allowing you to create and host a blog in a matter of minutes.
Medium is probably one of the best-known services out there bringing in good amounts of traffic to posts on the site. However, it's like writing just a couple of pages in a large library. I want something more ... unique?
That's when I randomly opened my browser while at a job reading about Hashnode's new product Devblog. Your own blog, possibility to get featured, custom domain, hosted, free HTTPS, and a happy developer starting his own blog in a matter of minutes through a simple set up.
Signed up. Whoooosh. Done.
TL;DR - The Legendary Conclusion
As always, there is no best solution. It always depends on your own needs and preferences. For me, Devblog seems to be the best option available. Maybe it changes, maybe not.
If you want me to cover specific topics related to web/software development, cloud infrastructure or security, let me know.
Thanks for reading. :)